Naruto Shippuden Episode 154 English Dubbed

Title: The Hand
Boruto: Naruto Next Generations Episode 183 English Subbed
Description: Team 7 has arrived at a high-tech research center along with Katasuke. There, they end up running into some familiar faces. The mission has ended without incident, and Boruto is ready to head home. However, there’s more they must do. Boruto and his friends end up cooperating in a test-run of a Scientific Ninja Tool that is under development. Boruto is unhappy at first, but as the test run continues his feelings start to change. As that happens, Team 7 is given a new urgent assignment from the Hokage.Title: The Hand
Boruto: Naruto Next Generations Episode 183 English Subbed
Naruto Shippuden Episode 154 Dub English
Description: Team 7 has arrived at a high-tech research center along with Katasuke. There, they end up running into some familiar faces. The mission has ended without incident, and Boruto is ready to head home. However, there’s more they must do. Boruto and his friends end up cooperating in a test-run of a Scientific Ninja Tool that is under development. Boruto is unhappy at first, but as the test run continues his feelings start to change. As that happens, Team 7 is given a new urgent assignment from the Hokage.A guide listing the titles AND air dates for episodes of the TV series Naruto Shippuden. 8-3: 08 Apr 10: Decryption: 155. 8-4: 08 Apr 10: The First.
Animefever - watch Naruto: Shippuden (Dub) - Naruto Shippuuden (Dub) Episode 154 - Decryption anime online, free and more animes online in high quality. Naruto Shippuden Episode 154 Sub Indo Naruto Shippuuden Dua setengah tahun sejak Naruto Uzumaki meninggalkan Konohagakure, Desa Daun Tersembunyi, untuk latihan intensif menyusul kejadian yang memicu keinginannya untuk menjadi lebih kuat. Naruto Shippuden Episode 154 - Decryption Naruto and his friends successfully decipher the code Jiraiya left behind with the help of some information Naruto has. The crew immediately calls Fukasaku over, but the message is not enough to solve the mystery of Pain. Auto-update my anime list NO Discuss this episode.