Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's Tag Force 6 English Patch - Jack Altas - Final Event - Duration: 17:00. ZeroGamer2 217 views. Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's Tag Force 6 English Patch - Rally Dawson - Final Event. Hi, I'm working on a personal translation for Yu-Gi-Oh! Tag Force 3, mainly just for the voiced duels. I have made significant progress in that I have translated all the cards, the complete story and all duelist talk, implemented the english deck edit (with proper A-Z sorting and english search), all locations, recipe viewer, status menu, and part of the tutorial.
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5D’s Tag Force 6 is the sixth installment of the Tag Force video game series, and the third and last Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s Tag Force game. For Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D" s="" tag="" force="" 6="" on="" the="" psp,="" a="" gamefaqs="" message="" board="" topic="" titled="" 'story="" translation'.<="" p="">
Memainkan game ini, sama seperti memainkan game lain, yang memacu adrenalin. Kamu harus mengacungkan jempol pada yang satu ini. Dukungan grafis yang menarik dan juga update terbarunya memungkinkan, kamu bermain game seperti dalam permainan game besar yang sudah terkenal. Karena game ini adalah permainan pertempuran kartu, maka selain kejelian, kamu juga harus focus dalam bermain.
Kemudian admin ingin kamu menyebarkan informasi menarik ini pada teman, kerabat dan semisalnya. Gunakan saja share di media social. Akhirnya, admin ucapkan terima kasih banyak. Jangan lupa untuk kembali lagi, sebab akan banyak game menarik yang di bagikan lagi. Semoga bermanfaat. Link download yu gi oh arc v tag force special + save data: (Size File unduh: 474 MB) . Related Posts • Download NFL Street 3 (USA) ISO PSP Highly Compressed – Ini adalah seri 3 dari NFL Street.
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Returning characters include: Yusei, Jack, Akiza, Crow, Leo, Luna, Carly, Kalin, Ronan, Devack, Misty, Rally, Primo, Jakob, Lester, Sherry, Lazar, Mina, Tetsu, Antimony. • Tag Force 6 has 5311 cards. As a bonus, Tag Force 6 contains XYZ monsters just like how Tag Force 3 contained Synchro monsters. Anime-only cards include “T.G”, “Time Lord” and “Red Nova” cards among others. Just like every other game, you buy cards using DP earned from dueling other duelists.
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5D’s Tag Force 6 is the sixth installment of the Tag Force video game series, and the third and last Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s Tag Force game.
Anime-only cards include “T.G”, “Time Lord” and “Red Nova” cards among others. Just like every other game, you buy cards using DP earned from dueling other duelists. Tampilan Game Yu Gi Oh! 5D Tag Force 6 Full ISO English.
Termasuk karkater yang ada di dalam versi ini. Oke, kayaknya ngga perlu panjang lebar lagi, mari kita simak selengkapnya saja.
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• unlocks (Dark Signer version) as an opponent, 10,000 DP, 3 copies of ', ', and ', 2 tracks in Music Player: 'Don't Wanna Loose' and 'Towards The Light', and 1 copy of '. • Passing all 5 previous Tag Force games through UMD Recognition unlocks the cards ', ' and '. • In addition, restart the game, pass each of the above UMDs once more will unlock 3 copies of the following cards.
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Game Inforasi: • Name Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s Tag Force 6 • Version 6 • Patch English language • Patch Version 0.4 • File type ISO • For Platform PPSSPP PSP Emulator • Size 1.1GB • By Konami • Rilis 20 september 2011 Cara Install: • Download Semua File Gamenya. • pindahkan dalam 1 Folder, Kemudian Ekstrak • Buka Emulator PPSSPP • Cari dan pilih Game tersebut. • Enjoy Link Unduh Game Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 6 ISO Compress PPSSPP Android English Patched: File rar(iso) English File ISO Jpn Sumber Paman Samsi 15:55 Dunia Pendidikan Indonesia.
So OK i have 2 different versions of the patch: One is v0.4 from xenotranslations (full details below) it doesn’t have any of the story translated. Then i have a beta patch that Omarrio gave me, this one have the intro in English (this is what you see on the screenshots) and some random text beside the cards, if i have to pick i would say take the beta patch.
Name (English): Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 6 Name (Japanese): 遊戯王5D's(ファイブディーズ) TAG FORCE 6 Name (Romaji): Yūgiō Faibu Dīzu Tagu Fōsu Shikkusu Features: - This game includes 5311 Cards. In addition, the cards in the game go up to, and. - Includes in up to ' - Includes new from, like how included which are from the 5D's era. - Includes 259 Anime Exclusive Cards. UPDATE 1 -------------------------- I just released the Patcher on my website, you can get it Although remember this is an Alpha Patch only, please be kind as to report any bugs or so while playing or patching the game, read the full post to see what i exactly want. -------------------------- UPDATE 2 -------------------------- I will keep fixing the bugs from the alpha patch, you can see the progress -------------------------- UPDATE 3 -------------------------- Well another patch is released, far better than the previous one, story not included, i only translated most of the choice dialogs and will continue doing so.
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• Patch 0.2: -All reported bugs fixed. • The descriptions and other texts now look far better with the fix of Auto line return. • Patch 0.1: -Cards Translated. -Names Translated.
Progress Patch Berikutnya: Patch 0.4: -Fixed sorting Patch 0.3: -Added version of patch to the name. -Fixed some typos. Patch 0.2: -All reported bugs fixed.
Tampilan Game Yu Gi Oh! 5D Tag Force 6 Full ISO English.
Fitur Patch: • Patch 0.4: -Fixed sortingagain. • Patch 0.3: -Added version of patch to the name. Fixed some typos. • Patch 0.2: -All reported bugs fixed. The descriptions and other texts now look far better with the fix of Auto line return. • Patch 0.1: -Cards Translated. Names Translated.
• Download Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s Tag Force 6 (English Patched) PSP ISO/CSO Highly Compressed Game ini sepertinya pantas disebut sebagai permainan legendaris.
Yu gi oh arc v tag force special patch english highly compressed – Satu lagi game dengan pertarungan sengit. Game ini tergolong mudah, namun soal penggemar? Jangan ditanya. Karena game ataupun film produksi Jepang selalu di sukai penggemar.
Welcome again to the Duel Academy. This faculty yr is highlighted by means of an event like no other, some thing trendy to global of Yu-Gi-Oh! The Academy has decided to preserve a tournament with one catch – you presently have a tag group partner that will help you duel. Exercise dueling with your buddies, discover the best partner, and the winner of the event could be allowed the use of Duel Academy Island for a day. The first Yu-Gi-Oh! Sport for the PSP system.
Dirilis Konami pada 20 September 2011 untuk Sony PlayStation Portable. Nah, kali ini sedikit informasi mengenai Patch inggris ini, dirilis 8 Agustus 2015. Dan versi patch v 0.4.
Patch made by XenoTranslations (Credits to Omarrio). Progress Patch Berikutnya: • Patch 0.4: -Fixed sorting • Patch 0.3: -Added version of patch to the name. • Fixed some typos.
If you want to have the latest just becausetake the v0.4, i’d appreciate if someone that played the game could tell me the differences between the two.
' CARA DOWNLOAD' • Tutorial Download di DLTKU SINGLE LINK => • Tutorial Download di DLTKU PART LINK => Free Download Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s Tag Force 6 ENG Patched PSP GAME Download Yu-Gi-Oh!
Fitur Patch: • Patch 0.4: -Fixed sortingagain. • Patch 0.3: -Added version of patch to the name. Fixed some typos. • Patch 0.2: -All reported bugs fixed.
Yu-gi-oh Tag Force Arc V Special English Rom
Kalian yang suka dengan PSP tentu faham kalau permainan ini memang legendaris, serta baguslah. Basinya memainkan dengan kartu.
Yups, jumpa lagi dengan.
Duel stuff done. Fitur: • New characters include: Aporia, Jean, Breo, Andre, Halidor among many others. Returning characters include: Yusei, Jack, Akiza, Crow, Leo, Luna, Carly, Kalin, Ronan, Devack, Misty, Rally, Primo, Jakob, Lester, Sherry, Lazar, Mina, Tetsu, Antimony. • Tag Force 6 has 5311 cards. As a bonus, Tag Force 6 contains XYZ monsters just like how Tag Force 3 contained Synchro monsters.
Patch made by XenoTranslations (Credits to Omarrio). Progress Patch Berikutnya: • Patch 0.4: -Fixed sorting • Patch 0.3: -Added version of patch to the name. • Fixed some typos. • Patch 0.2: -All reported bugs fixed. • The descriptions and other texts now look far better with the fix of Auto line return.
Yu-gi-oh 5d's Tag Force 6 Patch Fr
Download Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s Tag Force 6 (English Patched) PSP ISO/CSO Highly Compressed Sudah lama ya, ngga update. Kangen dengan kalian semua. Makanya dalam kesempatan kali ini admin akan hadirkan satu game PSP yang legendaris, menarik, dan ringan.
Pakailah beberapa tehniks erta jurus yang ada. Rasakan kilatan cahaya dari jurus yang keluar.
The file you want is story_scr_j.ehp, and I linked you to a text file a few posts back that has 700 strings. There is no tool to extract from.ehp files, and the file you want inside the.ehp is a.bin file anyway, not a.txt, which is what I linked you to. The text is stored in 2-byte Big Endian, and as Japanese characters, and it has English characters mixed in, so no existing text editor will read it correctly as-is (jwpce, which reads both Japanese AND English characters dynamically, ALMOST works, but has errors in reading the $R() format, and screws everything up that comes after it). So please just do yourself a favor and start with what I gave you, and once you're done, we'll assign you something else. Not trying to be a douche, but you're getting waaaaaay ahead of yourself here.:/.
I can only give my moral support for this, since I can't read Japanese. I hope you all continue this project.
Karakter baru: • Jean • Breo • Andre • Halidor • Yusei • Jack • Akiza • Leo • Luna • Carly • Kalin • Ronan • Devack • Rally • Primo • Jakob • Lester • Sherry • Lazar • Mina • Tetsu • Antimon Download Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s Tag Force 6 (English Patched) PSP ISO+ Save Data Complete: • Nama Game: YuGi Oh 5Ds Tag Force 6 • Publisher: Konami • Genre: Card Battle • Unpacked Size: 1 GB • Image Format:.ISO • Scene Group: Caravan • Languages: Japanese, English Patched • Password: mbahdroid.co Game Lainya: • . Related Posts • Download NFL Street 3 (USA) ISO PSP Highly Compressed – Ini adalah seri 3 dari NFL Street. Dan permainan game jalanan ini.
-------------------------- UPDATE 4 -------------------------- TFSP Patcher: TFSP Story Editor: ---------------------------- TF6 Patcher: TF6 Story Editor: MD5 Hash Generator: . I made an account just to show my appreciation for this translation project. I played Tag Force 1-5, I liked them all.
Dan pastikan kamu tidak beranjak sedikitpun atau berkedip, sebab game ini butuh konsentrasi tinggi. Informasi game full version: • Nama game: • Penerbit; Konami • Tanggal terbit: Tanggal 22-1-2015 • Size: 755MB • Format: ISO • Bahasa: Jepang, Inggris Sudah tidak sabar ingin segera mendownload? Memang seharusnya begitu. Karena game ini tidak pantas untuk di lewatkan. Download, pasang di hape kamu, dan mainkan. Jangan lupa kalau game ini sudah ada patchednya.
Konami memang selalu menarik dalams etiap update gamenya. Kabarnya game ini di jual dengan 300 dollar lebih di Negara asalnya, Jepang. Descripsi game: Kamu harus memainkan tokoh utama dalam game anime ini. Mainkan sampai titik penghabisan dan kalahkan musuh-musuh.
Yu Gi Oh Tag Force 6 French Patch
Looking forward to it.
Yu Gi Oh Tag Force 6 Patch Francais Vf
Dalam Yu Gi Oh Tag Force 6 ISO PPSSPP ini tentunya memiliki Jalur dongeng terbaru dari sekian banyak dongeng Dari game yu gi oh tersebut, Tentunya Game ini sudah sangat popular dengan pemberian dari Cerita Animenya yang sangat seru, Dengan Patch English language tentunya akan mempermudah Anda dalam membaca Deskripsi kartu dan juga gameplay nya, dengan Skill effect yang berbeda dari setiap kartunya, dengan Patch ini akan mempermkudah Anda untuk memainkannya apalagi jikalau melawan abjad yang sangat kuat. Gameplay dalam game Tersebut sangatlah seakan-akan dengan Dari dongeng Animenya dimana Anda akan memainkan Deck Card untuk melawan Musuh dalam suatu Arena, Terdapat banyak sekali character yang disediakan mulai dari Jean, Breo, Misty dan masih banyk lagi dan juga ditambahkannya abjad gres dalam seri ini, Dengan banyak sekali type dari Deck Cardnya dan juga memiliki Skill berbeda dari masing-masihng kartunya dengan skill effect yang keren, Langsung saja bagi Anda yang ingin mendownloadnya silahkan ambil pada link yang sudah disediakan.